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Renovation & Maintenance

Zakat (Al-Mal & Al-Fitr)

The Meaning and Purpose of Zakat

The literal meaning of Zakat is ‘to purify’. This refers to purifying one’s wealth for the will of Allah (SWT); to acknowledge that everything we own belongs to Allah (SWT) and to work towards providing and supporting the Muslim Ummah. Zakat is not only a means to purify one’s wealth but it is also a spiritual purification which serves as a means to draw an individual closer to the Creator, Allah SWT. 


According to Islamic regulations, Zakat is 2.5% of one year’s total cumulative wealth. This amount is then distributed to the poor. 

Allah has stated in the Quran, “Indeed whosoever purifies himself (tazakkaa) shall achieve success” (87:14).

Who Should Pay Zakat?

Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam. As such, it is compulsory on Muslims, provided they meet certain conditions and criteria. Any Muslim who possesses the required nisaab (the minimum amount of wealth that one must have before zakat is payable) for one whole year is bound to pay Zakat on that wealth. 

Many Muslims choose the month of Ramadan in which to pay their zakat and for good reasons. Ramadan is the month of blessings and the rewards for all good deeds is far greater in this blessed month than in any other.

The Beneficiaries of Zakat?

The beneficiaries of Zakat are specific can be any of the following:

  1. The Poor & The Needy – these people may have some wealth and funds but it is not enough to make up for the nisaab.
  2. The Destitute – People who have no wealth or funds. They are living their life on the very basics necessities of life.
  3. Zakat Collectors – People who collect Zakat as well as distribute it.
  4. Muslim Converts – This category was specifically designed to get new Muslim converts who were genuinely poor on their feet. It still exists to this day.
  5. People in Debt – People who are in debt but cannot pay it back are eligible for Zakat.
  6. Travellers – Muslims who are in the middle of their journey and out of money are eligible for zakat donations.

Zakat Cannot Be Used For

  • building mosques
  • to bury the deceased
  • to clear the debt of the deceased

How ISV Uses Zakat

With millions of Muslims donating their Zakat to relief aid organisations around the world, it is a pivotal way to fight poverty. ISV uses these funds to help poor communities in isolated and remote corners of the world. 

Items That Fall Under the Scope of Zakat

Jewellery and Precious Metal – Gold and Silver. Both come under Zakat even if they are used merely for decorative purposes. The reason behind it is simple; they contribute towards your cumulative wealth.

Bank Accounts – Any cash, bonds, stock one might have in their savings account. The amount should be in the bank for one year. Loans given or funds received are also part of the Zakat process.

Cattle and Crops – Cattle and crops that are in excess of one’s needs.

General Conditions of Zakat

Recipient’s Eligibility: It is absolutely imperative that every shred of aid given reaches only those who need it most. As such, recipients of Zakat must be sufficiently poor to receive it. 

Paying Zakat In Advance: People who wish to pay for Zakat for future years can certainly do so. Keep in mind that the prepaid amount can be offset against the actual zakat liability incurred in future years.

Payment in Kind: Zakat can be paid in many ways. The ideal way for today’s fast paced world is cash or if some people prefer, they can pay in kind as long as the value of goods are equal to the cash amount and furthermore, the recipient has agreed to accept the goods in kind.


Sponsor an Orphan

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was himself an orphan, and he encouraged us in aiding orphans with this Hadith he said: 

“I and the person who takes care of an orphan will be together like this in paradise” [then he raised his index and middle finger together] –  Bukhari

  • Egypt
  • Lebanon 
  • Somali 

Burial Fund 

A joining membership fee of $500 and monthly membership fees of $50 will be required.


  1. Must be Muslim 
  2. Must be on welfare or have a steady income (proof of income)
  3. Australian or New Zealand Citizen/ Visa Holder
  4. Families need to be shared graves
  5. Individuals (with consent to shared grave) or increased monthly fee (one person grave)   
  6. Allocation of cemetery is under organisation decision 

Aim: To support community members in burial services 

Donation Packges


Your donation will sponsor the following:

  • Five days of Ramadan Iftar at the Masjid
  • Five Quran scholarships
  • Water Bill for the year (~$2,500 quarterly)
  • Two months cleaning of the Masjid (~$7,000)
  • Funeral costs covered for outstanding cases

Your benefits include:

  • Two VIP tables on our Annual Ramadan Dinner
  • Your company name and logo displayed on your VIP tables
  • Four Yearly free passes for our activities and programs (i.e. school holidays, camps, festivals)
  • Digital Advertisement on our media screens at the Masjid, Masjid App, Email and Events
  • Your logo will feature on all printed, digital flyers and marketing collateral
  • and lastly, your rewards are with Allah (swt)


Your donation will sponsor the following:

  • Two days of Ramadan Iftar at the Masjid
  • Two Quran scholarships
  • 1 month cleaning of the Masjid (~$7,000)
  • Kafan/ Burial Shrouds for 5 people

Your benefits include:

  • One VIP tables on our Annual Ramadan Dinner
  • Your company name and logo displayed on your VIP tables
  • Three Yearly free passes for our activities and programs (i.e. school holidays, camps, festivals)
  • Digital Advertisement on our media screens at the Masjid, Masjid App, Email and Events
  • Your logo will feature on all printed, digital flyers and marketing collateral
  • and lastly, your rewards are with Allah (swt)

Silver – $10,000

Your donation will sponsor the following:

  • Two Quran scholarships
  • 1 month cleaning of the Masjid (~$7,000)
  • Kafan/ Burial Shrouds for 5 people

Your benefits include:

  • One VIP tables on our Annual Ramadan Dinner
  • Two free passes for our activities and programs (i.e. school holidays, camps, festivals)
  • Logo featured on ISV’s website
  • One year advertisement on the Masjid App
  • and lastly, your rewards are with Allah (swt)

Bronze – $5,000

Your donation will sponsor the following:

  • Fifteen Revert Packages
  • Ten date boxes distributed during Ramadan
  • Two Quran scholarships

Your benefits include:

  • Two Yearly free passes for our activities and programs (i.e. school holidays, camps, festivals)
  • Logo featured on ISV’s website
  • and lastly, your rewards are with Allah (swt)

Supporter – $1,500

  • Dawah Materials
  • Five date boxes distributed during Ramadan
  • and lastly, your rewards are with Allah (swt)

Renovation & Maintenance

ISV Building and Renovation 

Bank: CBA

BSB: 063-163

Account: 1097 0396

Name: ISV Educational Infrastructure Fund 

Ref: Your Name

Please note: All funds donated are Tax Deductible (Registered DGR) and will be used for the Preston Mosque Building and Renovation. 

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him a house like it in Paradise.” Ṣahih Al Bakhari

Sponsorship Package Form

Fillup this form to add to our doner list. 

I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions of this contract.